Variable Fonts – Support

Variable fonts support

This table lists support for variable fonts in various operating systems, browsers, and other software, with links to original source reference. It is an ongoing and incomplete list that oversimplifies the definition of “support”*, but it is a start. It may eventually include details about specific aspects of OpenType font variation technology (for example, CFF-flavored variable fonts are still vastly unsupported).

For more info on web browser support, I recommend Can I Use.

For feedback and corrections, email

Last updated: 2024-12-06.

Operating systems

macOS 10.5+
iOS 3.2+
tvOS 9.0+
watchOS 2.0+
Windows ⚠️ Windows 10 Creators Update (1709) + (supported but with notable caveats)
Android 5+
Linux It’s complicated

Web browsers

Chrome 62+
Safari 11+ (requires macOS 10.13+)
iOS Safari 11+
Firefox 62+ (requires macOS 10.13+)
Edge 17+
Opera 49+
Samsung Internet 8.2+
Internet Explorer

Design/Graphics apps

Drawbot 3.115+
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 (22.0.0)+
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (19.0.0)+
Adobe InDesign CC 2020 (15.0)+
Adobe XD Not yet, but you can vote for it
Sketch 59+
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020+
ArcGIS Pro 2.7+
Figma 114.4+(?)
Affinity Designer ⚠️ 2.5+ (support for variable kerning is broken)
Affinity Photo ⚠️ 2.5+ (support for variable kerning is broken)
Affinity Publisher ⚠️ 2.5+ (support for variable kerning is broken)
Canva No official support, but the VFonts app enables support.
Quark Xpress 🔜 Planned

Video / motion apps

Drawbot 3.115+
Cavalry 0.5.0+
Cinema 4D R26+
Blender No official support, but the ST2 add-on enables support.
Adobe After Effects Vote for it. There’s also a third-party plugin.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Spark
Apple Motion
Apple Final Cut Pro
Apple iMovie

Office apps, etc.

Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Apple Pages
Apple Keynote
Google Docs
Google Slides