blackletter – Variable Fonts

⚠️ Notice: As a showcase of variable fonts, this site requires a web browser that supports OpenType font variation technology. It looks like your browser doesn’t, so please consider upgrading to one that does (the latest versions of Chrome work well, even on older operating systems). Otherwise, the font samples below will only appear as static fonts.


Variable fonts tagged with “blackletter”

7 results

Clavichord Variable

  • AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
76 332

An elaborately curly blackletter with extremely thin hairlines, inspired by a 19th-century typeface called Cuneiform. The optical size axis allows for a consistent hairline thickness of 0.5 point for font sizes from 76 through 332 points.

Tags: decorative/display, serif, script, blackletter, calligraphic, optical sizes, ornamented, sharp, swash, Victorian
Design:David Jonathan Ross
Publisher:DJR, Font of the Month Club
Characters:Latin, Vietnamese
Licensing:Trial, Paid/commercial

Luke VF

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
100 300
100 300

​A contemporary interpretation of extra-bold blackletter type originally published in the 1800s by the Caslon foundry.

Tags: decorative/display, blackletter, calligraphic, fat-face, inscriptional, multiplexed, multiplexed weight, outline, ornamented, sharp, unusual variation
Design:Hidetaka Yamasaki
Publisher:The Northern Block

CSTM Xprmntl 03

  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0213456789
0 950

An experimental typeface that embraces the strange results of interpolating between blackletter and early Cyrillic ustav forms. Offered with discounted pricing while it’s still a work in progress.

Tags: decorative/display, serif, sans, blackletter, calligraphic, proof of concept, pinched joints, polygonal, retractable serifs, sharp, unusual variation, ustav, wavy/wiggly
Design:CSTM Fonts
Publisher:CSTM Fonts
Characters:Cyrillic, Latin (limited)

Tweak Display

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
0 1000
0 1000

A unique typeface that can shift between a static look with straightforward posture and a more dynamic look with quirky horizontal emphasis. Offered with discounted pricing while it’s still a work in progress.

Tags: decorative/display, serif, some serifs, blackletter, calligraphic, flat brush, grayletter, horizontal stress, multiplexed, multiplexed posture, straight-sided, unusual variation, woman-designed
Design:Katja Schimmel
Publisher:Katja Schimmel

Bradley DJR Variable

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
6 60

​A revival of American Type Founders’ 1895 typeface, Bradley. The original, based on lettering by Will H. Bradley, is usually credited to Hermann Ihlenburg. This digital version’s optical size axis covers the full range of original sizes, as far down as 6 points – rare for digital blackletter typefaces – plus a handful of stylistic alternate glyphs.

Tags: decorative/display, blackletter, Arts & Crafts, calligraphic, feature variations, optical sizes, soft corners
Design:David Jonathan Ross
Publisher:DJR, Font of the Month Club
Characters:Latin, Vietnamese
Licensing:Trial, Paid/commercial


  • AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
40 120
1 100

​Inspired by the work of 18th-century calligrapher, George Shelley, and the Gutenberg Bible. The swash axis controls variable swash weights on the caps.

Tags: decorative/display, script, blackletter, calligraphic, ornamented, sharp, swash, unusual variation, woman-designed
Design:Frida Medrano
Publisher:Frida Medrano
Licensing:Paid/commercial, Free for non-commercial use